US Census Update

This week, The U.S. Census Bureau will begin to drop off 2020 Census questionnaire packets at front doors of 92,600  households in the state of WISCONSIN. This is done in areas where the majority of households do not receive mail at their physical address. The Census Bureau began hand-delivering census materials on March 15, but suspended all fieldwork for this operation on March 18 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m writing to update that these operations are restarting and to let you know to please feel free to call or email with any questions.

Workers who will be in communities have been trained to observe all social distancing protocols and will wear official government-provided personal protective equipment for their safety and the safety of the public. This operation is contactless and follows the most current federal health and safety guidelines.

The health and safety of Census Bureau staff and the public is always a top priority This operation is crucial to ensure a complete and accurate count of all communities, which helps guide funding for many private and public programs including emergency response, medicare, schools and roads. 


People are strongly encouraged to respond promptly to the 2020 Census using the ID number included in the questionnaire packet. Responding with a census ID or the paper questionnaire helps ensure the best count of their community. People can respond online, by phone or by using the paper form in the packet.