Pickleball Court is now open in the Village Hall

The Village of Marquette is now home to a Pickleball court and it is officially open at the Village Hall.  Village President Art Cybul had been in discussions with the instructors after contacting the American Pickleball Association who recommended contacting Joe Dillie.  Joe Dillie and Christy Ross did all the prep work for the court – taping for the court and setting up the net. Both Dillie and Ross are outstanding players, instructors and ambassadors for this fastest growing sport in the world.  Eight people signed up for the Saturday 12/2  lesson and were treated to great instruction and extreme patience from Ross and Dillie. 


Pickleball is a game that is tailor-made for seniors. There is movement but it is not fast and furious like tennis, volleyball, or even Badminton can be.  Ross and Dillie are very much aware of making the game safe for those who are seniors, who might have some slight physical concerns.  The rules for the game seem a bit tricky at first but as the instruction continued and the trainees worked their way up to playing actual games, it all fell together.  Pickleball is typically played as a doubles match, but during scheduled practice time couples can play “Skinny Singles” using half of the court. 


Pickleball is played with a lightweight rectangular paddle and uses whiffle balls.  “Court shoes” are recommended for good traction.  A “decent” paddle will cost about $40.  The Village of Marquette has 4 paddles and several wiffle balls for those who want to play the game before investing in paddles.


Anyone can sign up to play but first download the Teamreach app in the Android Playstore or the Apple App store. There is a location called “Marquette Village” and you can join by using code MV0127. It will link you to the site and you will be able to see when the court is available. It is free of charge. Players scheduling court time are asked to extend courtesy to other players waiting for the court.  Having some knowledge of Pickleball is beneficial, but you can watch You Tube videos or visit www.playpickleball.com to learn more about the game, review rules, scoring, getting started, and even the history of the game.


Besides the single court in the Village of Marquette, there are other area courts : Green Lake Park, The Turning Point, Ripon tennis courts, Neshkoro Community Center, and ABA in Green Lake.