Special Notice Covid-19

Special Notice to all Village Residents,


Yesterday we passed a resolution declaring a state of emergency for our Village regarding Covid -19. This will allow us to facilitate and expedite the use of resources to protect persons from the impacts of the spread of Covid-19 while ensuring the continuity of critical operations within the Village of Marquette. This will stay in effect as long as Governor Evers continues the public health emergency under Wisconsin statute 323.02. This will allow us to practice social distancing by suspending public hearings required by state statutes until this emergency is over.  Public comment is suspended at Village Meetings until further notice.  This gives our board the flexibility to conduct electronic meetings provided we are consistent with meeting the requirements of open meetings.

 As information becomes available impacting our Village residents, we are posting this within the Village Kiosks and our website as well. The most recent one dealt with a notice received from Advanced Disposal regarding garbage pickup. I encourage everyone whenever possible to subscribe to the Village Website for notices and information. I would also encourage neighbors of people without technology to notify them of important Village information – via phone or perhaps a note dropped off to them.


Several of our Village Residents have contacted me with offers to provide health products for people in need. If you have a need for thermometers, hand sanitizer etc. please email me at the Village or call and I will try to connect you with these people. Please let us know if you have products you could share with your fellow residents as well.


This is a trying time for all of us so please check on your neighbors to make sure they are doing well.


We are also suspending the use of the Village Hall for any events or meetings other than the upcoming election on April 7th, should that still be held on that date.


My understanding is similar actions are being taken regarding declarations and preventative measures by other municipalities within the county.  We are all in this together.  Please help in following the measures currently in place, as well as those that may be coming on a daily basis.


